
MO:ULagain is a free, donation-supported server run by Cyan Worlds. Your donations help offset the costs and show your support. Five or ten bucks would go a long way toward helping pay the server and people bills.

Donating directly to Cyan Worlds

You can donate directly to Cyan Worlds, Inc by sending a personal check or credit card information via snail mail (i.e. postal, do not send by email).

    For personal check:
    • Payable to: Cyan Worlds
    • Memo note: MOULa server donation
    For credit card:
    • Name as it appears on the Card
    • Billing address associated with the card
    • Card type (MasterCard,Visa,AmericanExpress,Discover)
    • Card number
    • Expiration date
    • Specify the amount of the donation
    Send either check or credit card information to:
    Cyan Worlds, Inc
    14617 N Newport Hwy
    Mead, WA 99021

    Donating with PayPal

    You can click on the button below.

    CAVCON donation level

    To help you gauge how donations are doing we put a donation CAVCON level on the log on screen. Here is what the different levels mean:

    • CAVCON 5: Unlike some movies, which get the DEFCON levels backwards, CAVCON 5 is the best state. It means that donations are exceeding MO:ULagain expenses, there are a couple of months of MO:ULagain expenses in reserve, and extra money can be put toward server upgrades, bug fixes, new content, incorporating fan created content, etc.
    • CAVCON 4: This level means that donations are exceeding MO:ULagain expenses, and we are building a small reserve fund for future slow periods. And we may make small fan-provided fixes and improvements.
    • CAVCON 3: Donations are roughly equal to MO:ULagain expenses.
    • CAVCON 2: Donations are less than MO:ULagain expenses, and we are currently using the reserve fund to help pay for MO:ULagain expenses.
    • CAVCON 1: Donations are less than MO:ULagain expenses, and the reserve fund is empty. This would be A Bad Thing (tm).

    MOULagain current status:

    You can also see the current CAVCON level on the login screen for Myst Online: Uru Live.